{ "list": [ { "desc": " 上午在悉尼机场等行李,忽然一个初中生模样的中国女孩说护照丢了,看样子还不会说英文。我马上陪她找到", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/iread\/article\/20180220\/5a8c0b231604d.png", "title": "护照失而复得", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=43044" }, { "desc": " Do a little a lot. 这就是我的新年决心,不仅是2018年,今后年年都要这样。", "img": "", "title": "我的新年决心", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=43043" }, { "desc": "I apologize for the relative brevity of this post. I’ve been on long vacation in Florida with my son and his family and recently returned. I’ve ", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(8\/6\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33216" }, { "desc": "Yesterday was Maggie’s birthday. She would have been 69 years old. It’s now been almost seven years since she died and my memories of her remain", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(7\/4\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33215" }, { "desc": "I don’t know whether or not I should be apologizing. I’m assuming I’ve been doing something wrong for quite some time with the link on which I", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(6\/2\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33214" }, { "desc": "I would like to continue with some memories about my childhood in Bridgeport. Following are two short stories that hopefully will give you a flavor ", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(5\/9\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33213" }, { "desc": "I recently wrote a short narrative about some vivid memories I have about my early childhood. From birth to nine years old, I lived on Carpenter Str", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(4\/9\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33212" }, { "desc": "I want to tell you a little more about Bridgeport, the neighborhood where both Maggie and I were born and raised. As I said before, it was a blue co", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(3\/19\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33211" }, { "desc": "In my last post, I briefly mentioned the Stock Yards and its impact on Chicago, making it one of the great hubs of the United States. The America", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(2\/19\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33210" }, { "desc": "It’s been almost a month since my last post. Much of that time was spent in family obligations and events as well as my own illness. Regarding the", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(1\/30\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33209" }, { "desc": "Christmas and New Years is now over and I have a little more time to share some of my writings. However, my posts will not be as timely as before be", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(1\/7\/17)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33208" }, { "desc": "I apologize for my delay in posting. The Christmas holiday season is upon us and it will be a very hectic time for the next month. Also, I have begu", "img": "https:\/\/links123-images.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com\/ladder\/task\/20170811\/598d9cf164639.jpg", "title": "Wouldn't It Be Something(12\/5\/16)", "url": "https:\/\/iread.bilingo.com\/article.html?id=33207" } ], "varpage": "1<\/a>2<\/a>3<\/a>4<\/a>5<\/a>6<\/a>7<\/a>8<\/a>9<\/a>10<\/a>...654<\/a>更多...<\/a>" }